Shaking Applet 2.01 Author : (c)1997 RJHM van den Bergh. -------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT: This applet is free to use on NON commercial private pages . Commercial users are must donate US $30.- to : BANKCODE : ING BNL 2A , BANKNAME : Postbank NV CITY OFFICE : Arnhem place : NETHERLANDS = NL MENTION : for account nr. 2839775 It's a compensation for my free time and expenses. The purpose of this copyright is not to let someone else earn money or get profit out of my work . ------------------------------------ DISCLAIMER : By using this applet you accept the maximum claim you can make is equal to the amount you paid for this applet. ------------------------------------ INSTRUCTIONS : 1: Insert the applet tags in your html page . These tags are discribed later . 2: Upload the following files: Shaking.class your html page the picture that must be shaken. Please be aware that the letter casing and filenames must match . Some old FTP programs change the letter casing . This is because they use the old Dos names in stead of the Windows 95 names . Also some Windows NT FTP programs change the letter casing. ------------------------------------ THE APPLET TAGS : Your browser doen't support Java . ------------------------------------ DISCRIPTION OF THE APPLET TAGS : This is the applet starting tag . The Code attribute ONLY tels the applet the name of the applet program. So will NOT work . The Shaking.class file is expected to be in the same directory as your html file . To change the place of the classfile you will have to use the CODEBASE attribute. Be aware the codebase attribute also changes the place where the picture is expected to be . For more info on the codebase attribute email me . WIDTH and HEIGHT are the size of the applet . It's the best that they are equal to the picture size. This tells the name of the picture file . You can easily cange the place of the picture . Example Only gif an jpg files are supported . The jpg files must be 24bit . Some Netscape browser doesn't support 8 bit jpeg files . This is the maximum change in pixels of the picture . If omited the amplitude equals 2 . This slows the applet down. It's a delay time in milliseconds. If omited the delaytime equals 10 ms . NOTE : If the delay time is very low the shaking will become irregular. Mostly if the delay time is shorter than 5 ms . This is the soundfile that will play when the mouse enters the applet. Only Sun *.au mono with a sampling rate smaller than or equal to 8000 can be played . This parameter can be omited . This is where the borwser will go to on mouse-click. This parameter can be omited . The applet can be used with frames . If the frame doesn't exist a new browserwindow will be opened . When you don't use frames and don't wnat a new browser window then you must omit this tag . This text is displayed on the statusbar when the mouse is above the applet. This tag can be omited . You can set a background color of the applet . It works the sameway as in the tag . Also a decimal value can be used . Then you should leave the # sign away . Example : This is the same as the previous tag. If omited the background color will be black. IF A BROWSER DOESN'T SUPPORT JAVA then the normal html tags between the applet tags will be executed . So it's the best to display the picture here This is the applet end tag . --------------------------------------------- BUGS KNOWN -1: Don't set the amplitude very high and the delay time low . The browser then will use the hardisk. This then slows down the applet . -2: Don't use a picture that differs very much with the applet size. Some Netscape browser then can't display them . (Again Netscape I hate that browser) BUGFIX: -1: version 2.01 Relative urls were not handled correctly by the Ms Explorer 4.0(beta) The cause was a browserbug This version has a workaround build in. ---------------------------------------------- FAQ: JAVA.LANG.APPLETSECURITY EXCEPTION Some applet will not work if started localy with an Explorer 3.01 3.02 and 4.0. But they will work if started from the net. Microsoft made a very rigid security ristriction on applets. There where many complains abouth this restriction, because it makes it impossible to test applets localy. There where many complains abouth this restriction so microsoft made it possible to install another Java Virtual Machine on the Explorer. Note: that this download only works if you haven't start an applet. So close the Ms Explorer and restart it and go to this url. ---------------------------------------------- PLEASE REPORT BUGS OR SUGGESTIONS TO :